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A Gift of Transport – $25
We send all funds for the entire school year to Nepal in mid February so school coordinators have time to purchase, package and arrange transport of all school and food supplies to reach the Dolpo by April 1.
The supplies are purchased in Kathmandu, the capital city, and are transported to the Upper Dolpo; first by truck, then by jeep and finally by yak and mule. In good weather it is a week long walk from the end of the road to get to these villages. Transport costs range from $2,000 to $3,000 per year, depending on the size of the school and number of students.
In 2019 the high passes were extremely difficult to cross due to an unprecedented amount of snowfall. Climate change is real here; in 2017 there was little to no snow in the passes and in 2019, the heavy snowfall delayed passage to the villages and in some cases required lengthy detours. One child from Saldang was killed by an avalanche. Many animals were trapped in avalanches and died. Some access routes were severely damaged by avalanches.

In 2020 the school supplies reached the villages very late. Teachers were not cleared to return to the region until mid June. Extremely heavy monsoons created flooding and landslides, which further delayed the shipments.
Donations of any amount are most welcome and appreciated! We will be happy to personalize the card for you.
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”
― Margaret Mead